A funny thing happened on my trip to the Restroom….

After my workout today, I stopped in the restroom at the gym. To understand what I’m about to tell you you need to realize that the walls of the bathroom are covered in chalk paint and notes from members of the gym, owners of the gym, coaches of the gym, etc. While I was in the restroom trying to read all the things (which is impossible by the way) I noticed one phrase that stuck out. you can’t heal a body that you hate. As I left the gym those words kept replaying in my head. “You can’t heal a body that you hate” I sat in my car and just cried a little bit because that’s what I’ve been doing. Hating my body. For years I’ve poisoned my body. I’ve not used my body properly. I’ve ignored my body when it was telling me something was wrong. I’ve hated it because of things that have happened to it and things that I’ve done to it. That one phrase among many changed something in me.

So somewhere between liberty Road and my apartment, I promised myself that I would start loving my body. I would start fueling it instead of punishing it. I would start pushing it to do stronger things. Start listening to it instead of ignoring it. I would use it to do things that I love and by the time I opened my door I had way more self-love than when I had left that same spot earlier. It also confirms that I have found the right people to be on this journey with.

Sweaty at 6:30 am, yes please!

I have no idea who wrote that on the wall. But I’m forever grateful that they did.

There is so much more to it…

I lost my dad 10 years ago. He had quite a few heart issues and let’s just say we all grew up eating lots of deep fried things. One of my biggest reasons for taking back control of my health is that I want to be here, to bug my kids, much longer than my dad was.

While weight loss is definitely on my list it isn’t the only reason I’ve started the health and wellness journey. On this Wellness Wednesday I wanted to share a few of my reasons for my journey and what I’ve already been noticing about my body.

1. Improved mental health.

Since I’ve started this journey, my patience has vastly improved. Having that outlet for my energy allows me to take a moment when something difficult is placed in my path. I’ve been laughing more and just generally enjoying things. Like Elle Woods once said, “ exercise gives you endorphins and endorphins make you happy “

2. Increase bone density

Studies show that as we age maintaining bone health becomes increasingly important to prevent conditions like osteoporosis. Strength training helps those bones get stronger and denser overtime. My goal is to not break my hip folks. That’s the goal!

3. Enhance Joint Mobility

Strengthening muscles around your joints, provides better support and stability. One of the things that I’ve noticed since I started training is my knees hurt way less than they did before and I’m able to maneuver maneuver stairs with much more grace. (Just call me Cinderella)

4. Increased functional strength.

One of my big reasons for strength training is that I want to be as independent as I can for as long as I can. While getting stronger looks really nice the ability to stay active when I am older is the ultimate goal

5. Better sleep quality.

Since I’ve started working out regularly I’m sleeping better than I ever have before. I go to sleep faster and less time in my head before drifting off to dreamland. Now if I can just get my daughter to go to bed on time.

Even if weight loss isn’t on the top of your list, strength training gives you so much more. If you would like to book a discovery session with SOL Fitness just follow the link below.


I am truly Blissfully Restored

At the beginning of the year, I decided that I was going to really focus on my health. I knew I wanted to take it slowly and really focus on making long term changes. I had read that article about gentle January, so I spent the first month of the year, just easing into things. Then I was offered the opportunity to experience the blissfully restored retreat at The Spa at Griffin Gate. I learned shortly after agreeing to the experience that Erin short (of the bliss between) was leading the retreat. I had taken one of Erin’s classes previously and I knew that I loved her style of teaching.

I arrived on the first night with really no expectations other than to spend that time with myself, reflecting, moving my body, and working towards relaxation. The retreat was small but mighty. There were three other women on this journey with me. We spent our first evening doing Nidra yoga with Erin and saying hello to one another. We also got the cutest goodie bag full of gifts to help us relax. The yoga session itself was one of the most peaceful sessions I had ever been a part of. Spending that time, reflecting inward, and paying attention to my body was much needed and I slept like a rock that night.

The next morning, when I arrived, there was a beautiful sunrise over the golf course at Griffin Gate and we began our morning with a beautiful yoga session, moving our bodies and listening to what I think was the best playlist ever. After our morning session headed over to the spa and had a treatment. Entering The Spa at Griffin Gate is like entering a completely different world. It is so calming and relaxing with the sounds and the smells that you forget the world outside. I had a 90 minute massage with essential oils and warm compressions. I felt the tension just melt away. After that we had a few hours free. I grabbed a bite of lunch and then came back for the afternoon yoga session.

The afternoon yoga session was one of my favorites. I learned so many things. There are so many more uses for my yoga blocks that I ever imagined, and I have kept that in my practice since. I headed to the hot tub after the afternoon session and then spent some quiet time with a book by the pool. We reconvened at the mansion at Griffin gate that evening for a wine tasting and food pairing.

We had a level three Sommelier treat us to some magnificent wines. The food pairings were so delicious. I really never realized how interesting wine is. Don’t get me wrong I love wine, but now I have a much bigger appreciation and respect for the art of it. We left with a bottle of our favorite choice from the tasting and completely full of laughter from our time together.

The next morning we gathered for one final yoga session and spent that time together, stretching and waking up our bodies, and then we said our goodbyes.

Later on that day, after our final yoga session and I had gotten home, I felt so much lighter. It had boosted my creativity and made my body feel less tense. It was truly a beautiful weekend.

Erin Short can be found at https://www.instagram.com/theblissbetween?igsh=MTRmaXRidWp6bTJxMw==

The Spa at Griffen Gate can be found at https://thespaatgriffingate.com/

Romanticizing My life as a Single Mom.

Being a single mom on a budget doesn’t mean sacrificing when it comes to romanticizing your life. In fact, it’s an opportunity to find beauty in simplicity. Let me share some ways that I romanticize my life without breaking the bank .

  1. Picnic Perfection:
    Transform ordinary meals into delightful picnics. Head to a local park or your backyard, pack a simple yet delicious meal, and enjoy quality time with your kids. Bring a cozy blanket, some fairy lights, and let the enchantment unfold under the stars. If you are in Lexington, Jacobson park is one of my favorites simply because of the view of the reservoir.
  2. DIY Spa Night:
    Pamper yourself without the hefty spa price tag. Create a spa night at home using affordable beauty products. Dim the lights, play soothing music, and indulge in a relaxing bath or facial. It’s a rejuvenating experience that adds a touch of luxury to your routine. Use Pandora to find a relaxing channel or one of the many ambience channels you can find on youtube. You can find them with music or just ambient sounds.
  3. Thrift Store Treasures:
    Explore thrift stores for hidden gems that can add charm to your home. Find unique decorations, vintage frames, or mismatched teacups to create an eclectic and personalized space. It’s amazing what treasures can be found on a budget.
  4. Nature’s Retreat:
    Discover the beauty in your surroundings by taking nature walks or exploring nearby trails. Nature provides a serene backdrop for meaningful conversations and bonding with your children. Capture the beauty through photography and create a memory scrapbook together. Two of my favorite spots are Raven Run and the UK Arboretum.
  5. Book Club Bonanza:
    Join or create a book club with fellow single moms. It’s a fantastic way to share stories, ideas, and laughter. Choose budget-friendly options like borrowing books from the library or opting for digital versions. The intellectual stimulation and social connection make for a fulfilling experience.
  6. DIY Home Movie Night:
    Transform your living room into a cozy movie haven. Make popcorn, choose a favorite film, and snuggle up with your kids. It’s a simple yet effective way to create a warm and comforting atmosphere. Bonus: Pick films that inspire and uplift for an added emotional boost. This is one of my favorite activities. We try to theme our snacks and really get into whatever movie we are watching.
  7. Community Connection:
    Engage with your local community by attending free events or volunteering together. This not only strengthens your bond with your kids but also provides a sense of belonging. Many communities offer budget-friendly activities, from outdoor concerts to community fairs. During the summer we have so many options for free outdoor movies and local music!

Being a single mom on a budget doesn’t keep me from romanticizing my life. Embrace the simplicity, find joy in the little moments, and create a life filled with love and connection. By exploring these budget-friendly ideas, you’ll not only romanticize your life but also build lasting memories with your children.

Two words that changed my perspective on January.

Normally by now I would have posted my goals for the year. I still have goals for 2024 but as I was gearing up to make my set of resolutions I read two words that changed everything. “Gentle January”.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the newness and fresh start feeling that January 1 brings but who decided we had to go into the new year like we were going to battle? January is usually a cold, bleak month. Most of us have a holiday hangover and ,to be honest, sometimes slow and steady wins the race.

So this year I am easing into January. Getting a jump start on my books to be read list and taking my time with some tasks that will set me up better for the rest of the year.

I wish you all the happiest of New Years. I Hope 2024 is full of joy and laughter for all of you.

Cheers to y’all

2024, Here We Come!

As the Year wraps up faster than you can say, “who put this empty milk carton back in the fridge?”It’s time for us moms to channel our inner Monica Geller and prepare for the next chapter. Let’s dive in to the ultimate mom’s guide on how to conquer the upcoming year, one mess at a time.

1. Declutter like your sanity depends on it:

Start to declutter like you are on a mission to find Atlantis. If you come across toys that make mysterious noses at 3am, toss them. Your future self will thank you.

2. Master the Art of Time Travel (or just Time Management):

Grab a planner bigger than your kids Christmas wishlist (my preference) or one on you phone and jot down play dates, school events, and that mysterious thing called “me Time”. Bonus points if you can find a planner that magically adds extra hours to your day.

3. Survival of the Snackiest:

Stock up on snacks like you are preparing for the apocalypse. Goldfish, fruit snacks, the ever elusive last piece of chocolate. You never know when you will need to bribe small humans or grab a snack for everyone as you are heading off to one of the million activities your kids are involved in .

4.Become a Multitasking Maestro:

Hone your multitasking skills to Olympic levels. Folding laundry while refereeing a sibling dispute and planning the weekly grocery list? You got this. Bonus points if you can do it without spilling coffee on your last clean shirt.

5.Embrace “Mom Brain” Moments:

Accept that “mom brain” is a real thing and just roll with it. If you find yourself putting the car keys in the refrigerator or calling your child by the dog’s name, just blame it on your supercharged multitasking brain.

6.Plan for Spontaneity (Yes, You Can Do Both):

Schedule moments of spontaneity because, let’s face it, even spontaneity needs planning when you’re a mom. Surprise ice cream outings and impromptu dance parties in the living room should be penciled into your calendar.

7.Invest in a Good Coffee Maker (You’ll Thank Yourself Later):

Consider a coffee maker upgrade, because a mom’s relationship with caffeine is a serious one. Invest in a coffee maker that understands the importance of a strong brew to fuel your daily superhero endeavors.

As we gear up for the next year, remember: You’re not just a mom; you’re a mom on a mission. And with a touch of humor, a dash of caffeine, and a whole lot of love, you’re ready to tackle whatever the upcoming year throws your way. Here’s to another year of momming! 🚀

Goodbye 2023.

My Community

I’ve always loved writing and sharing stories. When I was going through my divorce I began blogging as a way to shift my focus from the chaos in my life and share the parts I felt safe sharing. During this time a friend, who had started her own marketing company, invited me to a women’s networking event. This was one of those moments that completely changed my life. I met so many amazing women that day and was inspired to really step out of my comfort zone.

From that pivotal moment that pushed me in a different direction!

Fast forward to last night. I spent the evening with some incredible humans. People who have become family. The blogging community here is just amazing. I’ve never seen a group of people just cheer people on like this group does. If one of us wins all of us wins. Some of my most valued friendships began in this group. It brings me so much joy to have these people in my life. So many of them are points of inspiration for me and they make me strive to be a better writer and content creator.

Two of the incredible creators that I adore.

We were invited to celebrate our wins of the year. The Kentucky Creative crew put together a beautiful awards ceremony and cocktail party for the members. We met at The House of Commons Bourbon Library in Frankfort, KY. Bourbon on Main provided some delicious light bites. The atmosphere was a perfect mix of festive and glamorous.

Photo by Seriously Sabrina photography.
Photo by Seriously Sabrina photography.

I share all of this to say, Find your community. Find the people who push you to be better and pick you up when you fall. I promise they are out there.

Photo by Seriously Sabrina Photography.

Embracing December

It’s no secret that Autumn and Winter are my favorite Seasons. I know that is not the case for a lot of folks. There are so many that struggle this time of year for so many reasons. I wanted to share some of the ways that I embrace this time of year in hopes that it might encourage someone to shift perspective on the darker/colder months.

1. Reflect on the year.

I spend a little bit of quiet time at the beginning of December reflecting on the year that is getting ready to wrap up. I make a list of successes (even small ones). I make a list of what worked well for me and what did not. This,not only, allows me to be proud of accomplishments but also sets the tone for goals for the upcoming year.

2. Create a cozy atmosphere.

While I don’t mind it getting darker earlier in the day I know that it can be really hard for some. The moment November hits the twinkling lights come out. My apartment is full of twinkling lights. So When I shut down work for the day I walk out of my office to a warm cozy glow. It brings my so much joy to throw on warm pajamas, make a cup of tea and lounge on the couch with one of my kiddos. I feel this change in daylight makes me slow down (And we all need that sometimes.)

3. Mindful Gift Giving.

If your budget is anything like mine then you know you have to be mindful when it comes to the cost of gift giving. The past few years I have really tried to hit up local businesses and Markets to grab gifts for my loved ones while supporting people in my community. I have a post coming up about some of my favorite local places to shop. I also keep thinking about one of my past gifts. Many years ago a lovely friend made a homemade gift of “friendship tea”. It was delicious and warming. I think about it every year as Christmas approaches and think “why did we move away from giving these types of gifts?” I’m happy to announce that I asked her for the tea recipe and plan on making some and gifting it this year.

4. Healthy Holiday Habits.

Mental health is so important,especially as the nights are longer and colder. I’m lucky that I have a sweet puppy that forces me to get outside a couple times a day. We need that fresh air and daylight even in the winter. I also make time to cozy up with a book, a puzzle, or a good Holiday movie with my kids.

5. Traditions.

Traditions are so important and while some traditions change as our kids get older (I sometimes miss that Elf on the Shelf). They live with our families forever. I was telling my sister how I always want oranges and mixed nuts this time of year because we always had them around at Christmas time. I grabbed some at kroger and immediately thought about Christmas of my childhood. It amazed me how something so simple had stuck with me for so long.

Please remember to approach this season looking for the simple joys. Look to create your own magic in everyday activities. Slow down and spend some time caring for yourself. I wish all of you a joyful and love filled season.

December Goals

I absolutely love this time of year. I love all the twinkling lights. I love surprising people with gifts. I love making my kids crazy with the Christmas movies and music. While I know not everyone feels that way about this season, I try to enjoy it all to the fullest. So I’m sharing my December Goals with y’all.

1. Do not over book.

There are so many wonderful and fun activities this time of year that it is so easy to fill a calendar with all of them. I also know that when I do that my anxiety and stress levels skyrocket. So my goal this year is one extra activity each week and make it things that I absolutely love.

2. Jammie Cocoa Christmas

Every year the kids and I get on our pj’s. Grab some hot cocoa and head out to look at our favorite neighborhoods around town. This is a must do and Cazlin and I are waiting patiently for Aidan to get home for winter break before going.

3. To Find Contentment in my current place.

Being Single during the holidays is sometimes difficult. This a time that most of us want to share with someone close to us. I’m working on myself and trying to find that contentment in my relationship status.

4. Take inventory of the year.

I always love goal setting so as New Year’s Eve approaches I get even more excited. The fresh notebooks and pens. The possibilities ahead. As this year ends I really want to take a look back and learn from this year.

5. Be extra present with my kids.

My kids are at such a great age now. We have inside jokes and have really great conversations. I definitely want to spend as much time annoying them as possible this holiday season

I hope your Holidays are off to a great start. I hope this season is full of peace and joy for you and your family. As always if they aren’t and you need a friendly ear, I am here.

Love y’all.

October Goals!

October is in full swing and while my October Calendar is jam packed with fun, friends, and family I did come up with a few goals for the month.


Family pictures are first on the list. Aidan will be home for fall break so I’m gonna make everyone mad by making them look presentable and take some pictures.



3 books read are on the list. My friend, Andy, sent me a great book for my birthday and my evenings are finally quiet enough that I can really dive in.



Cazlin has her first real school dance. I want to make it a great experience for her. She is going with two of her best friends and I am so excited to see the girls in their cute outfits. When these girls get together the amount of giggling is immeasurable so I know they will have a great time.


The weather has been absolutely perfect the last week and I am so ready to get a few hikes in. I want to  get at least one in this month and  then grab a couple more at the beginning of November.


The next one on the list will be Cazlin’s least favorite item on the list. This girl has grown so much in the past year and we desperately need to purge clothing that no longer fits.


And last, but certainly not least, I need to start Christmas planning/ shopping. I know you are thinking, “but Amanda, you plan things so far in advance that surely you have started planning/shopping by now” and I have done a little planning. However, if there is one thing I am terrible at it is getting gifts for people and keeping them for the right moment. Whenever I have a gift for someone I want them to have it immediately! It’s a running joke in my family.



So there you have it, folks. My goals for my jam packed month of October. My fall hope for you is that your boots are comfy and your sweaters are warm. Much love to all y’all.